The EU visa policy repository contains source code for generating a dataset on visitor visas applied for, issued and not issued by European Union member states.
The code for generating the dataset is in Python and consists of three files:
The raw data used to generate the dataset is in the “Input” folder.
The core dataset - visitor-visa-statistics.csv - is in the “Output” folder. The other datasets in the folder are aggregations on top of it. The core dataset is also available for download on Kaggle.
The repository contains configuration code for working with the code and data in VS Code using a Python docker development container.
If you are interested in contributing to the project please do reach out!
The visa statistics are pulled from official European Union online sources: The Council Document Register (2005-2008) and the Migration and Home Affairs Commission website (2009-2022).
The raw data is processed (cleaned-up) as evidenced in the source code. The data for 2005-2012 have been imported relying on earlier data clean-up done in connection with the construction of the European Visa Database (see background section).
The country classification (income group and regions) are sourced from The World Bank: World Bank Country and Lending Groups: Country classification dataset
The EU visa policy repository builds upon my PhD thesis handed in at the London School of Economics. The thesis put in place a European Visa Database (EVD) covering the period 2005-2012.